A Few Words About Us

AC Food Truck a social enterprise of Ideal Institute Of technology, a career college in Atlantic County. We are the first of its kind, managed and operated by Atlantic City and County out-of-school youth enrolled at Ideal’s First Step to Career program. Youth involved in the program receive paid entrepreneurship training while learning food truck operations, including opening, closing, cooking, purchasing, marketing, delivery, and bookkeeping. Those that successfully complete the program will have the opportunity to own their own food truck funded by an angel investor group.

AC Food Truck Website images-04-min

Spend With Purpose Initiative

Majority of businesses spend between $5,000 and $10,000 annually on services we offer within Ideal’s Student Enterprises. Before your next business expense, take a moment to consider how your money can be spent with a purpose. 

When you consciously allocate a percentage of your budget and business needs to Ideal, you are activating ongoing benefits for students by providing them paid work-based opportunities that prepares them beyond their educational training experience.

Ideal Institute of Technology’s Spend With Purpose Initiative is a way to help our community and fulfill your own needs. By investing your dollars in this initiative, you are giving hands-on learning experiences to people within your community to generate a cycle of educational and work opportunities. 

Each Student Enterprise is led by industry professionals that help guide our students and will ensure that all of your business needs are fulfilled.Trust us with your business by spending with purpose.